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In recent times, empathy has been seen  as a “soft skill” by employers, and it’s easy to peceive why. When staff members treat each other with care, understanding and respect, it not only comes with boosts to morale but also to increase efficiency and productivity, as the team is more likely to provide each other with proactive support. Further, employees who are able to tap into empathy can provide more responsive customer service and this cycle can create magic to business but in business settings, empathy can be difficult to maintain, as completing tasks, projects and deadlines usually overshadows people’s personal feelings and needs. However, integrating empathy into daily business activities has many benefits for employees, clients and customers.

There are three types of empathy – Cognitive, Emotional and Compassionate. 

Cognitive: “Simply knowing or being aware of  other person state of emotions. Sometimes It is also called perspective-taking.” 

Emotional: “When you feel like engaging and sharing your emotions along with the other person.

Compassionate: “With this kind of empathy we not only understand a person’s situation and  feel with them, but we take actions to support him/her emotionally and physically if required.

But here is the question what those tools are that can help into developing empathy into  business communication. 

1. Be in touch Regularly: 

Start by being in touch regularly. Ask your team how they’re doing, particularly when you’re touching base with them before getting into the business discussion. Try to connect with them on a human level. Having genuine connections within your company is integral to forming bonds with customers. A customer can sense the authentic happiness and satisfaction of the employers and that can help into succeeding the purpose of business.

2. Ask for their Views:

When there’s a major or minor  change,  seek to gain a deeper insight from your team. Talk to them, conduct surveys or request their input in business decisions so that the team can also feel like the part of the business. For example, when considering the return to work after long leave, employees may have concerns about their daily schedule, including childcare or eldercare. Leaders can only address those concerns if they ask about them. 

3. Paint a picture:

Some words appeal to emotions, desires and needs while some appeal to reason and fact, just like left brain and right brain. Words of both emotion and logic can contribute to painting pictures of ideas. Recognise the needs of others and express your ideas in words that form a mental picture that promises to supply those needs.

4. Walk the talk: 

Only talking about empathy does not work. Empathy is most concretely expressed through action. This starts  with active listening, which gives assurance to people they have your full attention and their concerns are being addressed by leaders It should lead to an active response—a clear effort to address their concerns that also takes the good of the whole team and organization into account. Without action, empathy may be interpreted as less than authentic. Employee to customers, all feel involved once we integrate empathy in business communication. Empathy is important not only at leadership levels but at all levels and within teams too.  If you’re looking for additional help implementing empathy into your business, visit to seek help where multiple courses are offered and these will hone your skills and help integrate empathy in communication.

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